After a harrowing first month of life, sweet handsome Pierce came by for his first photo shoot! He was ready to party but that just meant we got to enjoy those pretty blue eyes of his! Enjoy this little cutie! Although paci shots are usually reserved for behind the scenes, sometimes I like to include them just to compare the size of the paci to the sweet baby face :) This is one mama feeling grateful for the health and safety of her baby! Congratulations you guys on your handsome little man!
There's something about the warm smile and comforting embrace from your daddy that always sticks with you. I had the opportunity to document some of that good ol' daddy lovin recently. Enjoy! If only little sister would smile a little more! ;) It's like a wrinkle in the fabric of time seeing these two together - such a mini me! With this silly family, we HAD to end on a silly note! Now, let's all go hug our daddy!
I had the pleasure of meeting a super sweet family recently, and one with...wait for it...TEENAGERS! Eeek! And they had to wake up early on a Sunday morning to have photos taken with their mom and dad in 30 degree weather?! Sounds like a recipe for some quality eye rolls, huh? On the contrary! These guys were amazing to work with and I loved watching the family interact together. Enjoy the Browns! A great benefit to booking a family session is the opportunity you'll have to love on your babies, even if they aren't babies anymore! This girl. Spunky, artistic, beautiful, and full of life. Crossing my fingers I'll get to have this doll in front of my camera again for senior photos in a few years ;) And here's brother! He was courteous, witty, and patient. And he's a fellow musician (seriously, join the marching band when you get to high school - you'll have a blast!)! Mom mentioned that one of her favorite photos from when the kids were younger is of them sitting on a low wall, wrapped up in dad's arms. Challenge accepted! Wouldn't it be fun to see the two photos together? As most families do, this one arrived a little nervous and tense. It was a joy to watch everyone loosen up and let me into their world for an hour. I knew things were going well when mom turned to say something to her husband, but interrupted herself to say "look at how handsome he looks!" There's something to be said about setting some time aside to just be together on a beautiful morning. My heart simply overflows with happiness. Thank you for a great morning!
From Shannon:Please enjoy session previews, silly stories about my children, and other random thoughts I feel compelled to share! Archives
June 2018