Visit The Children's Heart Foundation to see what you can do to help baby Gianna and other children with congenital heart defects.
I am so incredibly honored to share this next session with you. Baby Gianna was born 7 months ago, when she was given a less than 20% chance of survival. She was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart syndrome, has spent all of her life in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at Egleston, and has already undergone 2 open heart surgeries. With another surgery on the horizon, we set up a session to document all of the sweetness that is "Baby Gigi". And this girl's family - JUST AMAZING! There were so many laughs and smiles in that little hospital room that I'm surprised the walls remained standing! I witnessed an unbelievable amount of love as Gianna's parents, one set of grandparents, and some of her aunts and uncles came together to shower this sweet girl in praise and attention. Here's the strong and brave little Gianna. Mom, Jenni, was referred to (several times) as a hoarder due to all of the accessories she keeps for her little diva! Gigi was all decked out for her photo shoot! I'm told this is the classic Gianna side-eye! Daddy time! Grandpa had the magic touch to bring a grin to this generally somber girl...much to the chagrin of all of the other family members in the room! I adore these next photos! Despite the circumstances, that is a room full of happy, grateful, loving, people! Nothing quite like the love between a mother and her joy! Due to the tubes and machinery that Gianna is hooked to, she doesn't usually wear clothing. Everyone was SO excited to see Gigi in her pretty dress that mom altered to work around her medical equipment. But these next photos are Gianna in her "natural state" as the family told me: big headband, frilly socks, and all her favorite snugglies. These are all of Gigi's Beads of Courage that she has earned with milestones, procedures, and acts of bravery during her stay at Egleston (she was kind of over it, if you can't tell by the expression on her face!). I can't thank you guys enough for letting me spend some time with you and your little angel! I left the hospital with a smiling heart! I'll be sending warm thoughts your way as you continue to work to bring baby Gigi home!!
Visit The Children's Heart Foundation to see what you can do to help baby Gianna and other children with congenital heart defects.
I. Love. Families. Especially super loving, silly, and loud ones! These guys were laughing together from the moment they got out of their cars. Meet the Millers! Thank you guys for a wonderful afternoon! The love between you is infectious and I drove home with a full heart!
From Shannon:Please enjoy session previews, silly stories about my children, and other random thoughts I feel compelled to share! Archives
June 2018